Thursday, June 20, 2013

Momisms 102

* After church photo taken in June 2013

DD: I'm REALLY looking for to my senior year of high school!

Path201X: I'm not, you're probably going to go on your first date this year.

DD: I know, I can't wait for that too!

Path201X: Yeah, well your dates are going to be chaperoned, and you'll never be allowed to ride in your boyfriend's car.

DD: That's cool, it'll be nice to have a driver for my dates!

Path201X: Really?!?! Well, I'm sure your boyfriend won't agree with that!


  1. very Nice Ladies!!!! Looking great... Vacation must be nice.... Happy for you both.

    1. Hey Dr.NJDR2B! Thank you, vacation IS very nice and I so really needed it after the year I had. God is so good!
