Friday, July 6, 2007

So I spent most of the day at the library studying my buns off! I have a LOT to do over the next few days, and while I'm exhausted I'm so excited about this class! No matter how much I try to downplay it, I really am a very analytical, scientific thinker (translated NERD!) which makes this class especially interesting. Even with my strong background in biochem, I'm still learning so many new things but I guess that's what makes the study of medicine so interesting to me!

At 40 years old, I'm NOT the oldest in my class. A woman, another African American, is 42 but you know we hold it down as the oldies but goodies in class!

This weekend, I plan to add some MCAT practice exams in the biological sciences to add a little flavor to my exam study and to make up for essentially putting my MCAT books down these past few weeks. In other words, I'll be VERY busy!!!!

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