Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Premeds can be a sadistic bunch of SOB’s………………………

* originally posted on April 6, 2009

Thanks in large part to eagleeye checking me a few years ago about wasting time on premed websites which serve to regularly denigrate URMS and after I was banned for lighting a few folks up like a Christmas tree, I pretty much avoided surfing on this one particular premed site. But tonight after feeling the best I have in days, I decided to don my virtual biohazardous suit and do a little surfing on the dark side.

Lo and behold in the process of my surfing, I look in a particular thread where a regular poster to this thread claims to be posting under a different user name to let the students in this thread know that interviews for a particular program were already being assigned. The problem is that the date they told everyone who are no doubt on pins and needles waiting, can’t possibly be true. How do I know? Because I know one of the student interviewers for this program who told me something completely different than what’s reported in this thread.

Over the years I’ve been admittedly disappointed in how little support the minority site received compared to this majority one. But the idea that someone would purposely post some WRONG INFO in a thread like this is really disappointing and simply indicative of just how sadistic and malevolent some premeds can be. Especially toward URM students. I even thought about going against my own principles, registering a new username there, and posting what I know in that thread but then I remembered that if MRM had been supported, info about this particular program would have been readily available to ANYONE.

So I’m going back to following the advice given me by Eagleeye, and sticking to sites like Oldpremeds where the spirit of being a helpful premed/med student/resident/doctor is alive and well.

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