Saturday, March 27, 2010

Thumbs up?

Well, this picture accurately reflects my attitude about my job these days. Normally I would have been devastated by what I learned regarding my employment this week, but now that I have a new attitude about work in general, I'm really just taking things in stride.

Here are some of the changes:
1) Whenever my position becomes permanent, it will cap out at a salary I find completely unacceptable.
2) #1 would have been Okay, if I hadn't also learned that I will no longer be responsible for conducting original research.

I also learned that I scored a whopping 58 on my midterm, which is most embarrassing but hey, I gotta come clean on just how poorly I'm doing this semester in this class. Actually, I'm feel more burned out than distracted more because I've got about 5 or so balls I'm juggling in the air right now. Luckily for me, my prof is going to let me make up my exam and is also going to help me get a gig where I can do some ID research, but I'll have to kick some serious ass from this point forward. And I think I can now that once very significant "distraction" is pretty much behind me.

Needles to say I don't have anything to report MCAT study wise and will now need to concede that I've got too much on my plate right now to focus on that the way I need to. Once I'm done with classes in May, I'll be better able to do what I know I'm capable of doing as far as studying is concerned.

Well this is gonna be a short post because I had an absolutely exhausting week and I need to finally get some rest!


  1. Path,

    Keep on keeping on. I am using your story as an inspiration. I too am trying to study for the MCAT.

  2. Thanks for that! The past few weeks have been really tough, but I'm doing my best to hang in there!
